Why We Need More Conservative Voices

Forty or fifty years ago, mainstream sources like ABC, NBC, and the New York Times dominated TV, the airwaves, and print media. Nowadays, with the advent of the internet and talk radio, there have been a lot more conservative voices joining the fray. You can argue that it started with Rush Limbaugh over thirty years ago. Others have joined since then, like Laura Ingrahm, Sean Hannity, and Mark Levin.

When Fox News burst onto the scene, TV gained a powerful player on the side of conservatives.

In recent years, younger voices have entered the picture. People like Milo Yiannopoulos, Steven Crowder, and Ben Shapiro. They complement media outlets such as Breitbart, Dangerous, CRTV, and the Daily Wire.

Even so, there are still far more media sources on the Left preaching the dogma of thinly veiled socialism and communism. They’re loud, proud, and supported by powerful backers. They will claim they are news media, but they’ve long since given up actually reporting the news. It’s actually debatable that the so-called news has ever really reported the news unbiased. For instance, during the American Revolution, newspapers often took a political stance, be it Loyalist or Patriot.

It seems due to the pervasiveness and outspokenness of the Left that they’re in the majority. The election of Donald Trump proves they are not. As Glenn Beck long ago said, we, the conservative Right citizens, surround them. This is why I believe it is important for more people to join in voicing their conservative opinions. You don’t have to have a radio program, podcast, or TV show. You can make your voice heard by talking to your friends, posting on your social media, and of course voting.

But will we on the Right become an echo chamber, like the Left has? Have we already? If you think so, you haven’t been paying attention. The Right is divided. Everybody has issues with everybody else, to a certain point. This is good when it comes to diversity of opinions. It’s bad, though, when it allows the Left to systematically take down conservative voices, like they did with Bill O’Reilly and tried to do with Hannity. My views won’t be totally in step with other conservative voices. I agree with most of what the conservative commentators say, but we have our differences. Thus, I don’t think we will ever face the problem of a Right-wing echo chamber.

I don’t have a shtick. I’m not a broadcasting expert with 30-some years of experience. I’m not a constitutional lawyer. I don’t have a TV show. I’m not hot and gay. But I am a conservative, I have opinions, and I’m going to do my best to support my country by standing up and speaking without fear.