What’s the defrost setting for a human brain?

I doubt this one is viable.

Because we don’t already have enough people on earth, we’re now trying to bring back the dead! That’s right, Professor Sergio Canavero, Director of the Turin Advanced Neuromodulation Group, is planning on thawing out a cadaver that’s been frozen at -320 degrees Fahrenheit, removing the brain, and dropping it into a “donor body’s” cranium. 

The Good Doctor is enthused about his experiment:

“If we bring this person back to life, we will receive the first real account of what actually happens after death. The head transplant gives us the first insight into whether there is an afterlife, a heaven, a hereafter, or whatever you may want to call it or whether death is simply a flicking off of the light switch and that’s it.”

Are you mad, sir? Have you never read Mary Shelley’s Post Modern Prometheus, aka Frankenstein (named for the scientist who created the monster)?

It’s also more than a little amusing that the scientific establishment, which has in the last century done its level best to distance itself from any hint of religion outside of Atheism, is now interested in the afterlife. “Science” doesn’t believe in a soul or spirit, as it can’t prove one exists. I wonder what Canavero’s personal beliefs are? Is this all an attempt to prove or disprove his beliefs? Or perhaps he wants tangible proof before he believes one way or another? Whatever the motive, it would make a great novel!

I should also mention that his idea that the Revived can tell about the afterlife is flawed. What if the body comes back with no soul, like in Pet Sematary? What if the brain is fried and is a vegetable? What if the parts of the brain that remember the afterlife are Jell-O? What if you can’t remember the afterlife, aside from the Near Death Experiences people have?

Read the whole article here:

Cryogenically Frozen Brains Will Be ‘Woken up’ and Transplanted in Donor Bodies Within Three Years, Neurosurgeon Claims

The end of the article says it best:

Even if it did work and the frozen brain did “wake up,” there’s no telling what kinds of complications the patient could experience, from decreased mental faculties to unimaginable mental trauma. Though we do now live in a world in which the seemingly impossible is becoming possible, some experiments might be better suited for works of sci-fi than modern hospitals.




  1. Holy crap. Whoever planned on doing this has never seen/read any science fiction. There are hundreds, if not thousands of books/tv shows/movies on why this is Not A Good Idea.

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