Why I Call the Government Incompetent

When large sums of money are being thrown around, it’s tempting to fall into the “that’s not so much” trap. For instance, if the government, which is trillions in debt, wastes $100k, we shrug. But think about how much that is. It’s years and years of your tax dollars. They took the money out of your check before you ever saw it, and now they’re essentially setting it on fire in the parking lot. Does that put this in perspective?

Recently I received a letter from the Census Bureau. It provided me with a lanyard and a request that I fill out a non mandatory survey. Really? You waste my money; you’re not wasting my time, too.

See, the survey was for nurses. It makes no sense, because the states govern nursing practice, not the Feds. The states already carry out surveys.

Watch the video and see my calculation of just how much at the absolute minimum the gov wasted.