Why Valuing Life is Critical

Nowadays we hear a lot about respecting people’s rights. But before I can do that, I have to value life. My respect for life means I will treat you with dignity. Not because the law tells me to, but because I value your existence. If I don’t, then my freedoms become license. For instance, if I don’t value your life, I’d yell “fire” in a crowded theater and not care what happened. Because I do value life, I use my freedoms with responsibility.

But why value life? Because Christ Jesus values our lives. He died for us, which is why we love Him and each other. Christianity is the only faith that truly gives value to life. There is no love in Islam. There is no love in Hinduism, which is focused in the caste system. Only Christianity instills a respect for life in its followers, and with it a hope that is not what the World gives.

As one of our Founders said, the less religion (meaning Christianity) there is in a society, the more laws it will need. And laws never prevent crime, they only punish it.